This is an offer for company employers who realize that their employees or themselves:
- Sit the whole day in the office or in cars
- Their bodies suffer 8 hours a day losing its functionality
- Suffer from different health issues: tiredness, regular sicknesses, back pain, obesity, insomnia…
- As a consequence – their production in work decreases
I consider my professional goal to prevent the above mentioned, and as such I offer:
- Benefits for employees whereas the employer would pay a part of the training fee using the social fond or on a basis of a monthly billing. The result is an increased employee satisfaction reflected in their productivity within the work environment. Remember, the money invested in your people will benefit you as well in the end.
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Ako dieťa som vystriedal veľa športov – od plávania, futbalu, hádzanej, basketbalu až ku kondičnému posilňovaniu, či kickboxu. Môj vzťah k športu ma predurčil k štúdiu na fakulte telesnej výchovy a športu, ktorú som úspešne dokončil ako tréner vo fitness a kondičný tréner. Kondičnému posilňovaniu sa venujem aj naďalej, či už za pomoci funkčných pomôcok alebo bez nich.

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